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Jennifer Munson, Ph.D.

Membership in the Faculty of Health Sciences has several benefits beyond joining the community of Virginia Tech faculty members and collaborators dedicated to discovery and education in the health sciences.

First, FHS members receive access to information on an array of biomedical and health-science-related activities, facilities, and services at Virginia Tech. The FHS will provide an integrated site and data repository for Virginia Tech biomedical and health sciences related activities in research, education, and training for purposes of facilitating participating faculty applications for funding support where an overview of the activities, facilities, and personnel of the institution may benefit the application.

Second, FHS members are eligible to participate in the Graduate Programs in Translational Biology, Medicine, and Health as teachers, student mentors, dissertation advisors, and committee members. Such participation includes access to funding support for doctoral students in the program under the individual faculty member’s mentorship. Contact Dr. Veronica van Montfrans for more information. 

Finally, FHS members can take advantage of the program’s work in facilitating collaborative research, education, and training activities within Virginia Tech. To explore potential collaboration and mentorship opportunities with Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine Research Domain, contact Dr. Leslie LaConte or Dr. Nicki Worthington. Additionally, FHS members can participate in collaborations with other institutions, including medical and health centers, as well as engage with the integrated Translational Health Research Institute of Virginia (iTHRIV).


Vice President for Health Sciences and Technology

Michael J. Friedlander, PhD
2 Riverside Circle
Roanoke, VA 24016

Faculty of Health Sciences Program Coordinator

Billi Hutchings, M.Ed.
2 Riverside Circle
Roanoke, VA 24016

Graduate Programs in Translational Biology, Medicine, and Health

TBMH Program Director

John C. Chappell, PhD
2 Riverside Circle
Roanoke, VA 24016

Visit the Translational Biology, Medicine, and Health site